Early Fire Fighting Training Activities of the Environmental Health Department in 2023

10 Jan 2024

The Early Fire Fighting Training took place at the Central Campus of Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta on Saturday to Sunday, December 16-17, 2023. This training involved students from all levels of the Environmental Health Department, including those in levels 1, 2, and 3, enrolled in both the Diploma Three and Applied Bachelor study programs. The objective of this Fire Fighting Training was to impart understanding about the causes of fires, to provide fundamental knowledge on fire prevention efforts, and to deliver training on operating light fire extinguishers, hydrants, and other equipment.

Commencing at 08:00 WIB in Grha Literasi Husada on the fourth floor, the training began with a presentation on Basic Fire Prevention Knowledge led by Mr. Timur DJA and his colleagues from the Yogyakarta Fire Center. Following the delivery of the material, practical simulation exercises were conducted in the yard of Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta Campus.

The fire simulation exercises commenced with an explanation, followed by hands-on practice guided by the Fire Department team. Subsequently, students were encouraged to practice extinguishing fires using both traditional and modern methods. The traditional method involved using a wet cloth, while the modern method included utilizing dry powder or CO2 gas fire extinguishers.