Polkesyo Awarded BLU Work Unit Award

21 Sep 2023

The Director of Polkesyo, Dr Iswanto, fulfilled the invitation of the Head of the DIY DJPB Regional Office regarding the 2023 Executive Dialogue "Guarding the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals through Quality Purchase, presentation of awards for IKPA and LKKL Semester I 2023" on Wednesday September 20.

BLU (Badan Layanan Umum, literal: Public Service Agency) is an agency within state-owned institutions that is formed to provide services to the community in the form of supplying goods and/or services that are may also contribute to the sustainability and growth of an institution.

The Head of the DJPB Yogyakarta Regional Office, Agung Yulianta, conveyed a message in his speech that this activity could be useful for increasing knowledge of achieving Sustainable Development Goals by maximizing and safeguarding the IKPA value. The activity continued with giving awards to the best work units for their performance in budget implementation and preparation of financial reports for the first semester of the 2023 fiscal year within area of the Yogyakarta DJPB Regional Office.

The Director of the Yogyakarta Ministry of Health Polytechnic received the BLU Work Unit Category Award with the Highest IKPA Score for the first semester of 2023 which was handed over directly by the Head of the DJPB DIY Regional Office. This award is a reflection of the effectivity of the financial management and that Polkesyo may still be the leading institution on the effective implementation of BLU.